[MacTUG] Some Resources that came out of PSU MacAdmins 2014

James McConachie jmcconac at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Jul 25 09:48:16 EDT 2014

@mboylan, @chilcote, @flammable, @patgmac, @eholtam, @mikeymikey, @adamdirardi, @pmbuko, @macgirl84, @xwordy, @grahamgilbert, @keeleysam, @lutzy55, @wildeep, @ygini, @BoylansVolvo, @thespider @n8felton, @jaharmi, @bruienne, @golby, @meck, @gmarnin, @swy, @tvsutton, @Sacrilicious, @binarydaze, @hammen, @damienbarrett, @tbridge, @AnthonyReimer, @natewalck, @AlwaysDNS, @osuterrycat, @seankaiser, @gregneagle, @justinelliott, @rtrouton, @psumacconf, @MagerValp

In no particular order, the above are Twitterfolk to follow if you are so inclined they are all Sys/Mac Admins and are very active in the community.

Greg Neagle works for Disney Animation and is the fellow who wrote Munki https://github.com/gregneagle
Greg, is also currently the custodian of record for autopkg which has a compendium of pre-packaged software and their recipes to use with your management software of choice e.g. Munki, Casper

Sean Kaiser has written a script that will monitor the autopkg repositories and warn you via email when there have been changes. https://github.com/seankaiser

Per Olofsson (MagerValp) developed AutoDMG which I am using exclusively now to create install images. He also developed a script to create users See his Git repository  https://github.com/MagerValp

Rich Trouton is the author and keeper of Derflounder<http://derflounder.wordpress.com/> and did a couple of very informative talks at PSUMacAdmins as well. https://github.com/rtrouton

Graham Gilbert gave a great talk on how to “Automate Yourself Out of a Job”<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjbESCx-G48&list=UUiRYn1OSRv2bvU3enNwoZxg>   https://github.com/grahamgilbert

The Penn State MacAdmins channel on YouTube has a lot of the sessions recorded and posted here.<http://www.youtube.com/user/psumacconf/videos>

Another great resource is the MacEnterprise Mailing List<http://www.macenterprise.org/mailing-list>

The resources provided here are vast and the more you tap into them the more you find. A lot of these folk have proclaimed they’re propensity to hang out on a particular IRC channel as well, and although I myself have never delved into this particular form of communication, I find myself drawn to familiarize myself with it given the sheer amount of talent that appear to avail themselves of that medium. ##osx-server @ Freenode.

There is SO much more, but this should start any interested party on a great voyage of discovery.

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