[MacTUG] MacTUG website

Donald Duff-McCracken dsmccrac at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Apr 11 15:18:12 EDT 2014

So Glen and I (and some nice co-op students in IST) have a first draft of the MacTUG website up for your viewing - https://pilots.uwaterloo.ca/macintosh-technical-user-group/

We want to have it go live on the 17th of this month (next Thursday). This means that we need to finalize any changes soon. It does not have to be perfect before it launches —after all we are not talking about some site that is going to get thousands of hits a day ;-) In fact I will be impressed when a non-MacTUG member will visit it.

So I think we can launch it it there are some items missing (and we can add them later).

The big questions are

  1.  is there anything posted that people have problems with? And if so please articulate how you would like it rephrased
  2.  Is there anything that is missing that should be added (and could be quickly added). An example is under the People section (are we missing anyone?) I have included a few folks that are ‘long distance’ members (such as Matt and Mark) who do not make it often but try to come when they can. Is there other folks that have been missed?

At any rate, if you see any problems, could you let us know before the end of Tuesday? We will try to make the changes as best we can to make everyone happy.

Glenn, and Don.
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