[MacTUG] Murder: Fast datacenter code deploys using BitTorrent | Twitter Blogs

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Oct 29 14:53:27 EDT 2013

Murder (which by the way is the name for a flock of crows) is a combination of scripts written in Python and Ruby to easily deploy large binaries throughout your company’s datacenter(s). It takes advantage of the fact that the environment in a datacenter is somewhat different from regular internet connections: low-latency access to servers, high bandwidth, no NAT/Firewall issues, no ISP traffic shaping, only trusted peers, etc. This let us come up with a list of optimizations on top of BitTornado to make BitTorrent not only reasonable, but also effective on our internal network.

Where to get it
Murder, like many internal Twitter systems, is fully open sourced for your contributions and usage at: http://github.com/lg/murder. I recently did a talk (see video below) at CUSEC 2010 in Montreal, Canada which explains many of the internals. If you have questions for how to use it, feel free to contact me or Matt on Twitter.


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