[MacTUG] Reminder: Campus-wide Open House: IST's Organize for Success initiative – Oct 17

Natasha Jennings njennings at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Oct 16 08:46:36 EDT 2013

Reminder: We hope to see you tomorrow at IST’s Organize for Success Open House.

When is this happening?

October 17

10-11 a.m.

DC 1302

What information will the Open House cover? The update will include a high-level review of:

•        Positions filled and IST’s organizational structure

•        Next steps in the OFS process

•        A view forward for IST

Natasha Jennings
IST Communications Officer
njennings at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:njennings at uwaterloo.ca>
519-888-4567 ext. 37951


From: Natasha Jennings
Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2013 8:59 AM
To: isthd at lists.uwaterloo.ca; faccus at lists.uwaterloo.ca; admin-support at lists.uwaterloo.ca; ctsc at lists.uwaterloo.ca; ucist at lists.uwaterloo.ca; mactug at lists.uwaterloo.ca
Cc: ist-staff at lists.uwaterloo.ca
Subject: Campus-wide Open House: IST's Organize for Success initiative – Oct 17

What is happening? An Open House will be held to provide the campus community with an update on IST’s Organize for Success (OFS) initiative.

When is this happening?

October 17

10-11 a.m.

DC 1302

What information will the Open House cover? The update will include a high-level review of:

•        Positions filled and IST’s organizational structure

•        Next steps in the OFS process

•        A view forward for IST

We look forward to seeing you there.

Natasha Jennings
IST Communications Officer
njennings at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:njennings at uwaterloo.ca>
519-888-4567 ext. 37951


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