[MacTUG] Question regarding using Macs with the university's financial system (FORE)

Stephen Nickerson snickerson at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Nov 25 14:56:26 EST 2013

Hi all,

I was wondering what others are doing for enable Mac users to use the 
FORE, financial system.

What I have been doing is have the users use Firefox v17 ESR in 
combination with PDF Browser Plugin v 2.4.2.
Both of these are getting rather old now, so I am looking for other 
possible solutions.


Stephen Nickerson, BSc, BEd, BCSc
Computing Technology Specialist
Computer Science Computing Facility (CSCF)
DC 2620
519-888-4567 x35234
snickerson at uwaterloo.ca

David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, ON
N2L 3G1

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