[MacTUG] Update on IT Directions - Open House Nov 27

Natasha Jennings njennings at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Nov 12 11:26:11 EST 2013

What is happening?  An Open House will be held to share an update on the IT Directions resulting from the IT Strategic Plan project, including a review and discussion of the initiatives started, and in some cases finished, during the first six months of the time line. Some initiatives include:

*        A browser and mobile-friendly Student Portal

*        The new Promissory Note

*        WiFi upgrades

*        IT governance discussions

*        Service and Operational Level Agreements (SLA and OLA)

Initiatives for the period 6 to 18 months will also be reviewed.

When is this happening?

Wednesday, November 27

2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

DC 1302

Additional information: Learn more about the IT Strategic Plan initiative<https://uwaterloo.ca/it-strategic-plan>.

Natasha Jennings
IST Communications Officer
njennings at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:njennings at uwaterloo.ca>
519-888-4567 ext. 37951


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