[MacTUG] Logitech intros wired iPad keyboard especially for education market | TUAW

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Wed May 22 09:41:22 EDT 2013

So that students can simply grab a keyboard, plug it in, and start typing away, Logitech has announced the Logitech Wired Keyboard for iPad (US$59.99, available later this year).

The keyboard will come in two flavors; a Lightning-equipped model that will be shipping in August, and a 30-pin connector version that is expected in October. Since it's designed to be used by students of all ages, the Wired Keyboard has a spill-resistant design and is expected to put up with the pounding of over 5 million keystrokes.

There are shortcut keys for the regular iPad functions, such as Siri, app switching, and copy and paste. There's also an integrated Home button for jumping to the Home screen with a single push.


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