[MacTUG] Have your say! Drop-in to the Design, Development and Data Innovation Workshop

Natasha Jennings njennings at uwaterloo.ca
Fri May 10 10:25:33 EDT 2013

We are looking to find new ways to foster inter-unit collaboration on campus in the areas of Design, Development and Data Access. Is one or all of these areas a pain point for you? Do you have an idea for how it could be better? Are you already developing possible solutions to these issues?

Then drop-in and see us!

We will be hosting an informal workshop session where you can drop-in and share your ideas on how we could better engage clients in the areas of Design, Development and Data Access.

Where: FLEX Lab, Dana Porter Library
Date: May 24th
Time: Noon-5pm
Contact: Colin Bell, colin.bell at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:colin.bell at uwaterloo.ca>, ext. 31245

Our inspiration. Resources for similar initiatives:

*        UK Government, https://www.gov.uk/designprinciples and https://www.gov.uk/service-manual

*        White House Open Data project, https://github.com/project-open-data

*        GitHub, staff blog post, https://github.com/blog/1499-the-revolution-will-be-forked

We hope to see you there!

Natasha Jennings
IST Communications Officer
njennings at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:njennings at uwaterloo.ca>
519-888-4567 ext., 37951


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