[MacTUG] a bug in the SPOOLSS, Lion's replacement of SAMBA by Apple

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Mar 27 12:41:57 EDT 2013

Hey guys,

Have any of you seen and solved this bug below. I have been researching it but am hitting a dead end.

Reader reports problem printing in a Window corporate environment

Monday, August 22, 2011

Eric reports a problem with SMB printing in a Windows network after upgrading Macs to Lion:

     A user who upgraded to Mac OS X Lion could no longer print to the Samba hosted printers in our corporate network. Printing in our corporate windows environment always worked via SAMBA printing. Typically, one configured the printer using the CUPS interface by entering smb://domain/username:password@ipaddress_of_the_printer/queue. With Lion, that seems to be broken. Printers now report each time: "Access Denied".

     Checking the Samba logs showed that OS X Lion was sending "workstation" as the NetBIOS name instead of the configured NetBIOS name.

     This is apparently a bug in the SPOOLSS, Lion's replacement of SAMBA by Apple. Because allowing that user rights from workstation "workstation" the printers worked just fine. However, this fix demands all Mac users to be allowed rights to workstation "workstation" when they upgrade to Lion. Not acceptable.

If you've seen this problem .


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