[MacTUG] 10.7 or 10.8 screen saver fix

Dani Roloson daroloso at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Mar 26 11:50:10 EDT 2013

I send the following to any new machine we configure so we get the old style screen saver
dialog where we can enter the administrator userid and password when locked by user.

cp /etc/authorization /Users/Shared/authorization.$$

sed 's;^ <string>The owner or any administrator can unlock the screensaver.</string>$; <string>(Use SecurityAgent.) The owner or any administrator can unlock the screensaver.</string>;' /Users/Shared/authorization.$$ >/etc/authorization

diff /Users/Shared/authorization.$$ /etc/authorization
There are 3 tabs before each <string> (no spaces).

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