[MacTUG] Time Capsule over Ethernet

Dani Roloson daroloso at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Mar 25 14:31:56 EDT 2013

So I think I've got this working but I'm unlikely to be able to test with a fresh one.

Unless you've got a Mac Pro or Xserve with more than one Ethernet port
or you're willing to be without Internet during backups (or use Airport for Internet),
you'll need either Thunderbolt to Gigabit Ethernet Adaptor or USB Ethernet Adaptor.
I used the Thunderbolt one which meant I had to be without my second display
during backups.  I'll favour the USB when I rediscover it.

If I plugged my machine into the Time Capsule and the Time Capsule into the network,
my machine wouldn't be properly named.

It seems to be optional to do the Internet Sharing from Ethernet to Thunderbolt Ethernet.

So run an Ethernet cable with adaptor from the machine to Time Capsule.
Run AirPort Utility (even though Wi-Fi is off).
Click on the "Other AirPort Base Stations" in the upper left of the window
and select "Thunderbolt Ethernet" under "Network Interfaces".
Click on your Time Capsule to get its IP address (e.g.
Go into your Network settings and set your Thunderbolt Ethernet to
Manually,,, ( is a shortcut for the last 3).

You might want to verify the "Select Disk…" under the Time Machine settings.

From: Dani Roloson
Sent: March 20, 2013 12:19
To: MacTUG at lists.uwaterloo.ca
Subject: Time Capsule over Ethernet

Since IST doesn't want rogue wireless, someone will have to provide better instructions
on Time Capsule over Ethernet since
only mentions

  If you have an Ethernet cable, you could do your first backup via
  Ethernet; this will allow for the fastest initial backup. Simply
  plug the Ethernet cable into one of Time Capsule's Ethernet ports
  and the other into your Mac's Ethernet port.

Most Macs only have one Ethernet so either I'd have to connect the Mac to eduroam
or use an USB/Thunderbolt adapter.

Dani Roloson
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