[MacTUG] OS X Mavericks switches to SMB2 networking | MacFixIt

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Jun 11 08:54:19 EDT 2013

Along the line of Don's great things about 'Mavericks' link. 8-) This should be useful for us.


... In OS X Mavericks, however, Apple will be including the newer SMB2
protocol as the default protocol for sharing files, so even if you are
connecting two Macs running OS X Maverick or later, unless you specify
to use AFP, they will use SMB2.

SMB2 offers resource compounding, where the technology lumps multiple
requests together, thereby reducing networking overhead. This results in
far faster data transfers than AFP, NFS, SMB, and other contemporary
networking protocols. Additionally, SMB2 makes optimal use of data
caching and transparent reconnection to servers in the event of
interruptions, and supports symbolic linking so aliases can point to
different locations in a shared folder.

For security, Apple will be making use of SMB2's support for Extended
Authentication Security using Kerberos and NTLMv2 authentication schemes.

While Apple is transitioning to SMB2, OS X will continue to support SMB,
AFP, FTP, and NFS protocols for legacy support, and will automatically
switch to the most compatible protocol used by the system you are
connecting to.


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