[MacTUG] New Xerox printers and 10.8???!!!???

Matthew Oliver m3oliver at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Jan 29 09:36:22 EST 2013

Ah spoke too soon… While it works in the sense that it fixes the annoying unprintable "Printer Status" jobs, it disables most of the functionality of the printer… the ability to print colour, or send jobs to the fax card, etc. etc.

So that won't work for me… too bad…

On 2013-01-28, at 10:34 PM, Guillermo Fuentes <gfuentes at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:gfuentes at uwaterloo.ca>>

Hi Don,
This is a problem we are having in Arts for the the 8560 when a workstation is connected to our Nexus printer server in Lion. I haven't test it on Mountain Lion.
Looking into the Printer definitions I found how to removed the "Printer Status" command to the printer.
Note this is a nasty hack that will eventually be overwritten by future Xerox driver updates.

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