[MacTUG] WatITis Conference Attendee Thank You and Survey

Jenn Brewster jlaughlin at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Dec 4 16:08:19 EST 2013

On behalf of the WatITis Committee I would like to thank everyone who attended the conference yesterday! We hope that you enjoyed the venue, your sessions and the networking and professional development opportunities that it provided.

In order to make improvements to next year's conference and/or note successes, we ask that you take a minute to fill out our post-conference survey<https://strobe.uwaterloo.ca/watitis/watitis.2013/survey.php>.

Session presentations are currently being uploaded to the conference site for your reference, which is a great way to see what was discussed in talks that you could not attend.

Finally, the Committee is always looking for interested volunteers to assist with programming and logistics. Should you be interested, please contact me anytime at jenn.brewster at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:jenn.brewster at uwaterloo.ca>

Thank you again and we will see you next year!

Jenn Brewster,
on behalf of the WatITis Conference Committee
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