[MacTUG] Images displaying in Microsoft Office for Mac

Eric Bremner ebremner at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Aug 19 14:52:02 EDT 2013

So, I have two users who are using 10.7.5 and Microsoft Office 2010 for mac.  They are opening files that I have opened and the images are not displaying correctly.  I have checked that our printer and display settings are the same.  Attached are the screen shots of the two different macs with the two different images.  My Mac is what it is suppose to look like and Staceys mac is what it is looking like on her mac.  Any suggestions or ideas?

Eric Bremner
Computing Consultant – University Relations
Information & Systems Technology – Client Services
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L3G1
Office: (519) 888 – 4567 ext. 35578
Cell: (226) 339 – 8716
ebremner at uwaterloo.ca

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