[MacTUG] Wait a minute... What are we going to do now?

Donald Duff-McCracken dsmccrac at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Oct 26 11:59:50 EDT 2012

Wow, it has finally sunk in that Ricard is going to be leaving us soon. I can't remember, did he ask our permission? ;-)

Who will remember to book meeting rooms, who will remind us when we have to be out of here, who will do all those thankless tasks that keep MacTUG running like a well oiled machine?? (OK, forget the 'well oiled' part but we are one of the most productive groups on campus!)

Anyhow, I am willing to throw my hat in the ring to volunteer to keep things moving, for the time being at least.  While MacTUG works by things being pretty easy going and informal, I think we need someone to be mindful of the time, etc. 

If whoever was going to be the poor replacement of Richard has been decided years ago when I was staring out the window, or if some other plans were made, then I have to learn to not be staring out the window all the time!! We can talk about this over the next little while, but consider the offer made.

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