[MacTUG] Notes on authenticating to Nexus, lets share ahead of the meeting

Dani Roloson daroloson at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Oct 4 10:21:40 EDT 2012

Math and CS are rare not just on campus but elsewhere since they have a UNIX, Mac, and PC environment.
Mike Bombich of Carbon Copy Cloner fame wrote a document for 10.5 on how to make the Mac and UNIX home folders different using augmentation on the Mac server and MFCF spent $5000 to get help from Apple with 10.6 and their conclusion was that it wasn't possible so we did it anyways. 8-)  I've gotten the impression more recently from Apple and others on the web that Apple isn't interested in making this work.
I've configured a 10.8 server and client and haven't been successful yet so I'm waiting for some time from our AD and NetApp guru to see if he can see something obvious in those logs.
The fix he discovered for 10.6 was to have a LaunchDaemon (something that happens at every Mac boot) to perform an arbitrary AD lookup to establish trust so that the user login would work.

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