[MacTUG] updating apps for managed macs

Mike Patterson mpatterson at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Nov 30 14:33:54 EST 2012

I don't know yet what functionality Secunia has for MacOS, just that it has *some*. But only in the latest version, for which we're not (yet?) licensed. Definitely in Windows-land, it's aware of tons of applications, and can help the user or administrator to push updates for those applications out.

Upgrading our license is a possibility. Does anybody interested in this project want to give me a hand with evaluating the possibility of using Secunia on Macs?


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On 2012-11-26, at 12:33 PM, Guillermo Fuentes <gfuentes at uwaterloo.ca> wrote:

> Hi Don,
> When I researched this, Munki project was the only free solution for application management.
> There are quite a few other options in the MDM category. All commercial solutions and expensive. See this comparison:
> http://enterpriseios.com/wiki/Comparison_MDM_Providers?quicktabs_mm_tabs=13#quicktabs-mm_tabs
> In Munki (and most likely in all other solutions) the applications to manage (install/update/remove) have to be imported to a repository. In the case of Pages, this would mean packaging the iWork application.
> Guillermo
> On 2012-11-26, at 11:48 AM, Donald Duff-McCracken wrote:
> Hi Guys
> So good old "softwareupate –I" does a great job of updating the OS and some apps that come with the mac, such as iTunes, etc.
> Does it update app store Apple apps (like pages)? How about the non-apple stuff you buy in the app store? I will try this next time I see a mac that needs updating, unfortunately I just updated everything before this question raised its head!
> I am thinking of this from a managed macs scenario. Guillermo I know you use Munki (http://code.google.com/p/munki/) -- are there other options out there (above and beyond the obvious one of turning on 'check for updates' -- which does not enforce any updating)
> don
> ------------------------------------
> Donald Duff-McCracken
> Technical Services Manager
> Mapping, Analysis & Design
> Faculty of Environment
> University of Waterloo
> (519) 888-4567 x32151
> http://www.environment.uwaterloo.ca/computing/people/don.html
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