[MacTUG] iCal setup for delegates not working

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Tue May 22 13:44:04 EDT 2012


Any suggestions on what to investigate when I talk to the user. His previous issue will iCal was lack of a password when the change over occurred.

Any help would be appreciated,

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [UW-RT #234382] iCal setup
Resent-Date: Fri, 18 May 2012 16:34:11 -0400
Resent-From: <m3griffith at uwaterloo.ca>
Date: Fri, 18 May 2012 20:34:07 +0000
From: "Stephen M Carr via RT" <Client Services-Comment <request at rt.uwaterloo.ca>
Reply-To: Client Services-Comment <request at rt.uwaterloo.ca>
CC: Marlon Griffith <m3griffith at uwaterloo.ca>

hi Rick,

There is a version of Office for the Mac (Office 2008). I am not familiar with iCal. I've cc'd Marlon Griffith to see if he knows if iCal will work for you here, or if you have to install Office for the Mac (for free from the CHIP) and use Outlook.

On Fri May 18 16:12:42 2012, rix wrote:
> Steve,
> What I meant was that I was accessing Outlook through iCal.  I do not
> believe that there is a version of Outlook for the Mac that is
> supported.  Could be wrong though.
> Here are some screen shots of the set up procedure for getting iCal to
> work with Outlook.
> I have two accounts set up.  One for the Calendar (Exchange) and one
> for Mail (rix at connect).
> The mail account seems to work fine.  Here is the setup detail.
> [cid:0B8C2CBD-9E54-452C-8312-348BC224EB70]
> [cid:29AC3C31-8D2F-45C8-8DE7-90E33F582B38]
> But the Calendar account has issues.  Here is the setup.
> [cid:F59F8837-4D1B-42FF-AAA9-A6B6E5B1560C]
> [cid:F1DF41A1-B348-4EB4-A0EC-FF33003A2560]
> [cid:81526E89-CF23-4EB9-8956-27445D9029E8]
> [cid:8B1A0915-7874-4A01-84CB-D73470AE05E3]
> For some reason it cannot find the people on the server when I try to
> delegate them.
> Any thoughts.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Rick Culham
> Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
> Associate Dean,
> Research & External Partnerships
> University of Waterloo
> Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1 CANADA
> Tel: (519) 888-4567 extension 37543
> Fax: (519) 746-9141
> On 2012-05-18, at 3:58 PM, Stephen M Carr via RT wrote:
> hi Rick,
> I believe that you need to use Outlook for the Mac to set this up.
> When I spoke to you the other day, you said you had that on your
> computer.
> On Fri May 18 08:27:54 2012, wwwrt wrote:
> Request Type:   General Request
> Name:           Richard J Culham
> Office:         CPH 3606A, E3 2133H, E3 2133J
> Department:     Mechanical \& Mechatronics Engineering, Dean of
> Engineering Office
> Phone:          519-888-4567 x33839, 519-888-4567 x37543, 519-888-4586
> or
> UW Extension:   84586
> Affected:       person
> Severity:       moderate
> Due Date:
> Service:        Calendar
> Service Type:   Macintosh
> Subject:        iCal setup
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> I use iCal to interface with the Outlook calendar.  I can add events
> to my calendar but I
> cannot set up delegates to add to my calendar.
> When I try to add a delegate it
> indicates that they cannot be found
> on the server. My iCal server settings are as
> follows: Internal
> server:
> connhub3.connect.uwaterloo.ca<http://connhub3.connect.uwaterloo.ca>,
> Server path:
> /EWS/Exchange.asmx, Port: Auto, Use SSL and the External server:
> connect.uwaterloo.ca<http://connect.uwaterloo.ca>, Server Path:
> /ews/exchange.asmx, Port Auto, Use
> SSL.  The
> account information is: Description Exchange, User name
> NEXUS\rix
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Consultant, IST-Client Services
> Manager, Engineering Help Desk
> <URL: https://rt.uwaterloo.ca/Ticket/Display.html?id=234382 >

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