[MacTUG] Important FYI: Message regarding changes to Connect

Trevor Bain etbain at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Mar 26 22:48:30 EDT 2012

Thanks Keith and Terry,

With regard to the separation of the points into 2 groups, I can explain the rationale. The first group of 3 points are changes that will be required for some people on April 10th or 11th to get to their email whereas the second set are changes in the experience for everyone going forward. That distinction may be somewhat obscure and I can look at reworking if it causes confusion. The non-domain machine login is described on the information page (http://ist.uwaterloo.ca/connectinfo) but not in the text of the email. I'll remedy that.

We want to encourage people to confirm that they know their NEXUS password before the switch on April 10th. If they do, they can be sure of being able to get to their email after the change (at least using https://connect.uwaterloo.ca<../>) and can re-configure their various clients if needed. The simplest case is where the NEXUS and ADS passwords are the same so there is definitely some benefit in using WatIAM to set a password now. WatIAM password changes are propagated to both domains so this will ensure that the passwords in the two domains are the same.

Thanks again for the feedback.


Trevor Bain, IST
University of Waterloo
519-888-4567 x33738
etbain at uwaterloo.ca
From: Terry O. Stewart
Sent: March 26, 2012 8:23 PM
To: Keith McGowan; Trevor Bain; faccus at lists.uwaterloo.ca; MacTUG (mactug at mailman.uwaterloo.ca); isthd at lists.uwaterloo.ca; admin-support at mailman.uwaterloo.ca
Subject: RE: Important FYI: Message regarding changes to Connect

I agree with Keith.  Anyone logging in from any non-Nexus machine (home computer, laptop, portable device) will need to authenticate to Nexus not Ads\

And like Keith, I think there might be room to collapse some of these points.  Basically, there are three kinds of devices out there authenticating to connect:

1.       Machines joined to Nexus .  These should just authenticate through (hopefully).

2.       Machines joined to ADS.  These folks will have to re-authenticate with Nexus credentials.

3.       Machines not joined to a domain (home computers, laptops, portable devices, most Mac’s, etc).  These folks will have to re-authenticate with Nexus credentials.
So you might be able to re-word the five points down to three?

One thing they could do between before April 10th is to login to WatIAM and change their password.  This should change both their ADS and Nexus passwords making them both the same.   (It might also encourage to give up the password they’ve been using for the last 20 years :) )

Just some thoughts.

From: isthd-bounces at lists.uwaterloo.ca [mailto:isthd-bounces at lists.uwaterloo.ca] On Behalf Of Keith McGowan
Sent: March-26-12 6:02 PM
To: Trevor Bain; faccus at lists.uwaterloo.ca; MacTUG (mactug at mailman.uwaterloo.ca); isthd at lists.uwaterloo.ca; admin-support at mailman.uwaterloo.ca
Subject: Re: [Isthd] Important FYI: Message regarding changes to Connect

Nicely worded given the possibility for confusion.

I’m am curious why the separation between the first three points and the second two but regardless, the first point in the second half should be expanded to include anyone using Outlook and not logging into a Nexus system – not just Academic support.  This would include other using Outlook from the other domains on campus, laptops, home systems and standalone systems.


Keith McGowan – Arts Computing Office – University of Waterloo
kmcgowan at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:kmcgowan at uwaterloo.ca> – 519-888-4567 x33158

From: faccus-bounces at lists.uwaterloo.ca<mailto:faccus-bounces at lists.uwaterloo.ca> [mailto:faccus-bounces at lists.uwaterloo.ca] On Behalf Of Trevor Bain
Sent: March-26-12 4:55 PM
To: faccus at lists.uwaterloo.ca<mailto:faccus at lists.uwaterloo.ca>; MacTUG (mactug at mailman.uwaterloo.ca<mailto:mactug at mailman.uwaterloo.ca>); isthd at lists.uwaterloo.ca<mailto:isthd at lists.uwaterloo.ca>; admin-support at mailman.uwaterloo.ca<mailto:admin-support at mailman.uwaterloo.ca>
Subject: [Faccus] Important FYI: Message regarding changes to Connect

To: FACCUS, MacTUG, ISThd, Academic Support Representatives

Below is the text of an email that has been drafted to be sent to all Connect email accounts at the end of the day on March 29th. We are sending this to provide you with some advance notice of the text so that you have a chance to review the content and contact us if you have questions.

Information will be posted on the IST website at http://ist.uwaterloo.ca/connectinfo and will be linked from the IST Notice Board (http://ist.uwaterloo.ca). Content will be updated continually over the next 2+ weeks and will include resources for both account holders and support staff.


Trevor Bain, IST
University of Waterloo
519-888-4567 x33738
etbain at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:etbain at uwaterloo.ca>


This email is being sent to everyone with a Connect Exchange account at the University of Waterloo. Connect provides email and calendar services to many people in the University of Waterloo community. Changes are coming to how you log in to your email and calendar account on Connect.

On the evening of Tuesday, April 10th, 2012, Connect will be switched over to use Nexus for authentication. That means a different account (your Nexus account) will be used to log in to your email and calendar on Connect. This change is being made as part of the campus project migrating ADS accounts and services to the NEXUS Active Directory.

How will this change affect you? This change requires action on your behalf if:

1.       You don’t know your Nexus password

We have verified that Nexus accounts exist for everyone who has a Connect account. For many, the password will be the same as the password you currently use on Connect. A web page has been developed that will allow you to verify your Nexus password. You can find the password check page linked off the Notice Board area of the IST website (ist.uwaterloo.ca).

2.       You use a mobile device (tablet or phone) to access your Connect email and calendar

If your device is a BlackBerry phone, no change is required. All other devices (including the BlackBerry PlayBook) will require a configuration change after the change on the evening of April 10th or soon thereafter. A separate email will be sent to those with affected mobile devices. Make any changes that are required on your tablet or phone after the switch is completed on April 10th.

3.       You use Outlook 2011 for the Mac

You will need to update the configuration. Change the account "User Name" setting in the account preferences - replace the "ADS\" prefix with "NEXUS\". You may need to specify a different password.

Will there be other changes after April 10th?

1.       If you are in an Academic Support area and use Outlook

You will be prompted for your password when you launch Outlook. When entering your username and password, you will need to enter "NEXUS\" in front of your username. Examples will be available in the information posted on the IST website.

2.       If you log in to a Nexus computer and use Outlook

You will no longer be prompted for your password when you launch Outlook.

What can you do now?
Between now and April 10th, frequently check the IST website for updates related to this change (ist.uwaterloo.ca). A copy of this email and links to information and resources will be posted there. Do not make any changes to your software or mobile devices until after the update on April 10th.

A reminder notice will be sent out closer to the date. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your local/department computing support unit or the IST CHIP.

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