[MacTUG] iFixit tears down Retina MacBook Pro, updated MacBook Air | Electronista

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Jun 13 11:33:42 EDT 2012

. iFixit complains that the system is the "least repairable laptop" it has ever taken apart. It uses special pentalobe screws, for instance, which like the iPhone 4, 4S, and MacBook Air, require a screwdriver most people won't have. The RAM is soldered to the logic board, as in the Air, preventing people from either upgrading or replacing memory.

The computer's SSD normally can't be upgraded either, although iFixit says it does hope to offer an upgrade for the part, which exists as a separate daughtercard. A more serious concern is the notebook's battery, since it is glued into the case rather than screwed, making it more prone to breaking during disassembly. The battery moreover covers the trackpad cable, which could potentially lead people to accidentally disable the trackpad during a repair.


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