[MacTUG] MiniStack and MiniStack Max external hard drives for the new mini design

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Jan 19 21:45:31 EST 2012

I noticed an announcement that NewerTech is bring out two new versions of their mini stack external drive units.

Both models are designed with the same footprint and look of the 2010 and 2011 Mac mini, both support a 3 1/2" hard drive and can connect via USB 2/3, eSATA, firewire 800.

The MiniStack Max is to me the most interesting model as it not only takes a hard disk, but comes with a r/w DVD drive, SD card slot in the front, and usb hub built in.

[cid:EABC4960-2EFC-4B17-9FDC-E99B1D806811 at phub.net.cable.rogers.com]

MiniStack Max
[cid:0EC600EE-6B31-47FA-8407-B7B161CDD18A at phub.net.cable.rogers.com]
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