[MacTUG] Apple Safari 5.1 and Adobe Reader/Acrobat Advisory

Dani Roloson daroloso at mfcf.math.uwaterloo.ca
Mon Feb 6 13:37:08 EST 2012

> From daroloso Thu Jan 26 13:39:28 2012
> To: MacTUG at lists.uwaterloo.ca
> Subject: Apple Safari 5.1 and Adobe Reader/Acrobat Advisory
> http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/908/cpsid_90885.html
> Spent a while trying all the Adobe/Safari tricks I could remember
> until I stumbled on the above. The Firefox plug-in mentioned displayed
> blank pages. Sigh.

Well now on a 10.7.3 machine Acrobat Pro X won't install
and I can't downgrade Safari either since it's an integral
part of Mac OS X.


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