[MacTUG] Apple Remote Desktop update fixes VNC security problem - The H Security: News and Features

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Aug 21 10:27:49 EDT 2012

Apple Remote Desktop 3.6.1 addresses this problem by creating an SSH tunnel for the VNC connection when "Encrypt all network data" is set. If this is not possible, ARD will prevent the connection. Versions 3.5.2 up to and including 3.6.0 are affected; ARD 3.5.1 and earlier are not vulnerable. Non-security related changes include better support for systems with more than one display, faster launch speed when long computer lists are present and fixes that improve ARD's overall stability.

Apple Remote Desktop 3.6.1 requires Mac OS X 10.7 Lion or later, and is available to download from the company's Support web site. Alternatively, existing users can install the update using the built-in Software Update mechanisms.


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