[MacTUG] a drifting network time

Dawn Keenan dkeenan at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Apr 24 11:09:46 EDT 2012

I'd recommend ntp1.uwaterloo.ca or ntp2.uwaterloo.ca. While they may be 
the same hardware as the campus name servers, IST could theoretically 
move the service anywhere.

When I was in CS, we had a local NTP service running on one of our 
servers and used it as the time source for both AD and the Macs.


On 12-04-24 10:55 AM, Donald Duff-McCracken wrote:
> Does anyone else have lazy macs that do not update their network time
> frequently enough and have their time drift by a few minutes?
> It happens to me fairly frequently, and every now and then a mac drifts
> in its time by more than 5 minutes so that it cannot synch with active
> directory.
> I have a question and then a semi-solution:
> QUESTION: What time server are you guys using? I am using
> ns1.uwaterloo.ca — I use this instead of time.apple.ca as I really do
> not care if I have the 'right' time but just want a time that is right
> from the perspective of the servers on campus. I figure if I am using a
> campus time server if time drifts on campus I can still synch with AD.
> Bernie suggested I try synching with Nexus, and it seems that
> nexus.uwaterloo.ca is serving up time and it seems to work. Anyhow, what
> time servers are people are folks using? (I am most interested in macs
> that are hooking up to AD, not personal machines which likely are hooked
> up to time.apple.com)
> My Semi-Solution:
> Send this command out from good old Apple Remote Desktop (as root) to
> all my machines:
>     /ntpdate –u time.apple.com/
> /
> /
> It updates the time. I ran this just now and a lot of my macs were off
> by hundreds of seconds!
> Don
> ------------------------------------
> Donald Duff-McCracken
> Technical Services Manager
> Mapping, Analysis & Design
> Faculty of Environment
> University of Waterloo
> (519) 888-4567 x32151
> http://www.environment.uwaterloo.ca/computing/people/don.html
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> To request help from MAD please use Request Tracker. For info see:
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Dawn Keenan
Manager, Arts Computing Office, University of Waterloo
dkeenan at uwaterloo.ca
519-888-4567 x32157
PAS 2033

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