[MacTUG] Agenda for Today's ofis meeting

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Apr 17 10:03:46 EDT 2012

Status on:

* length of time to access delegate page (Marlon)
* ofis_test picture not showing (Ray)

If Olga is available?

* what we would need from IAP?
* I can think of home_dept_id

Thoughts on indices and ofis' table structure changes

I have learned:

* the primary key can be used to group related rows for faster access in innodb tables
* how to add secondary indices that take advantage of the primary key
* that removing nulls in column definitions can speed up index searches by a factor of at most half
* have some concerns about premature optimization

Design question:

* will moving manually added data to separate tables help the system in the long term?
** advantage:
*** data takes up less space
*** no chance of import messing up manual entered data
** disadvantage:
*** querying becomes more complicated

What can be refactored:

* research support:
** if I had a primary key by empl_id, proj_nbr the in the person_research_support table means improved performance
** requires empl_ids to be added from manual inputs
** the imported data always has an empl_id which may not match to a person_id
** would this be helpful at this point?

* person tables:
** add indices: nexus, empl_id
** remove null values
** move the webpage info to its own table

* supervision:
** add a primary key of supr_id, supervision_id, student_id to imported data
** move manually added rows to their own table

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