[MacTUG] Lion 101 interest

Dawn Keenan dkeenan at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Apr 12 08:54:53 EDT 2012

Did anything come from Dani's query about getting a Lion 101 course on 
campus? A few people over here in Arts had expressed interest and it'd 
be good to know if a course will be arranged.


On 12-02-24 7:55 AM, Dani Roloson wrote:
> Lion 101
> http://witzeducation.com/technology/courses/lion-101/
> Trying to determine if there is sufficient interest to get this offered
> on-campus. Please ask around and let me know by March 2.
> Maybe also indicate bad times to have it like "End of April is too hectic".
> Dani
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Dawn Keenan
Manager, Arts Computing Office, University of Waterloo
dkeenan at uwaterloo.ca
519-888-4567 x32157
PAS 2033

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