[MacTUG] Fun with plists

Dani Roloson daroloso at mfcf.math.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Apr 10 13:33:23 EDT 2012

I was dreading having to do 150 slightly different commands
on 150 machines until I thought of using a plist as a hash.

% defaults write HostUser mac1 Tom
(creates ~/Library/Preferences/HostUser.plist)
% defaults write HostUser mac2 Harry
% defaults write HostUser mac3 Dick
% defaults read HostUser mac3 
% defaults read HostUser 
    mac1 = Tom;
    mac2 = Harry;
    mac3 = Dick;

% scutil --set ComputerName "mac2"
(This will already be set for the machines.)

(Spread the HostUser.plist and the following script to the machines.)
set myhost=`scutil --get ComputerName`
echo $myhost
set myuser=`defaults read HostUser $myhost`
echo $myuser
... do whatever with $myuser e.g. create account ...

(Execute the script using UNIX under ARD.)

PlistBuddy, part of the Xcode install, is also handy.


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