[MacTUG] macports

Dani Roloson daroloso at mfcf.math.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Nov 29 11:39:34 EST 2011

The commands I use to set up macports:

sudo -s 
setenv PATH /opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH 
echo /opt/local/bin >/etc/paths.d/macports
echo /opt/local/sbin >>/etc/paths.d/macports
port selfupdate 
port install auctex djview doxygen eclipse-ecj32 gv octave rdesktop sshfs-gui xfig
port upgrade outdated

The /etc/paths.d/macports causes those paths to be added to everyone's search
rules regardless of shell. I think that directory adds the files in 
alphabetical order not date order just in case you want to force an ordering.

So my path is

ls /etc/paths.d
TeX		X11		macports

so it's alphabetical ignoring case. ie.
macports		TeX		X11


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