[MacTUG] OmniPrint - UW wireless printing tutorial

Donald Duff-McCracken dsmccrac at uwaterloo.ca
Mon May 30 10:49:58 EDT 2011

Thanks Mike, I will stop my frets ;-) I forgot that since it was SMB,
folks were not going to be working off campus anyhow, unless they were
VPNing in which case that would be secure anyhow.


On 11-05-30 10:05 AM, "Mike Patterson" <mpatterson at uwaterloo.ca> wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>I'm not sure it'll push the credentials, given the campus boundary
>blocks on SMB. It would need to establish a TCP connection first, which
>it can't, because SYN to all related destination ports is blocked.
>While it's still a concern if credentials are potentially passed
>cleartext, it _shouldn't_ be a problem from off-campus.
>(I'm not sure about the details of the rest of Don's question, "is it
>getting pushed each time," and I've been away so I'm not positive if
>it's been answered, email backlog...)
>On 2011/05/26 9:51 AM, Donald Duff-McCracken wrote:
>> OK, so let me get this straight. A user sets up a printer on a secure
>> network and it is passing their password, which hopefully is not an
>> and hopefully no one is casually watching them type it in (in clear
>> A month later (or whatever), the user is sitting somewhere off campus
>> hits the print command, without thinking too much about password
>> -- despite having read Marlon's reasonably worded warning, way back when
>> they set up the printer. Are going to be passing that password each time
>> they print?
>> Am I right that the password is being pushed every time you print, or
>> 'merely' when you make the printer connection initially? If it is
>> pushed each time they print, my concerns over passwords being sent
>> unencrypted rises exponentially.
>> don
>> ------------------------------------
>> Donald Duff-McCracken
>> Technical Services Manager
>> Mapping, Analysis & Design
>> Faculty of Environment
>> University of Waterloo
>> (519) 888-4567 x32151
>> http://www.environment.uwaterloo.ca/computing/people/don.html
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>> On 11-05-26 9:39 AM, "Ian Turner" <iturner at uwaterloo.ca> wrote:
>>> yes - not available to undergrads
>>> On 2011/05/26 09:36 , Matthew Oliver wrote:
>>>> The campus VPN service/project won't be available to undergrads as I
>>>> understood?
>>>> Am I incorrect in that assumption?
>>>> On 2011-05-26, at 9:33 AM, Dani Roloson wrote:
>>>>>> I'm guessing that using the SMB protocol here
>>>>>> would prevent any such off campus printing?
>>>>> Set up a VPN to use SMB from off-campus.
>>>>> http://ist.uwaterloo.ca/cs/vpn/index.html#toc-connecting-mac
>>>>> Dani
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>Like most computer techie people, I'll happily spend 6 hours trying
>figure out how to do a 3 hour job (which only needs to be done once)
>in 10 minutes.  - James Cort
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