[MacTUG] ebook ( .epub ) readers for Mac OS X

Jim Tremain jim at sciborg.uwaterloo.ca
Thu May 26 15:10:26 EDT 2011

I use FBReader, but only came up with it because it's also on my linux box 
and my Windows machine.

   Jim Tremain, B2 Rm 147B            Phone: (519) 885-1211 ext. 36420
   Biology, Univ. of Waterloo         EMAIL: jim at sciborg.uwaterloo.ca
   Waterloo, ON, CANADA
   N2L 3G1

On Thu, 26 May 2011, Glenn Anderson wrote:

> Does anyone have a suggestion for a good ( free ) ebook ( .epub ) reader for 
> the Mac?
> Basically, looking for the equivalent of ibooks ( ipod/ipad ) for the Mac.
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