[MacTUG] OmniPrint - UW wireless printing tutorial

Dani Roloson daroloso at mfcf.math.uwaterloo.ca
Thu May 26 10:08:33 EDT 2011

> > The campus VPN service/project won't be available to undergrads
> > as I understood?
> > Am I incorrect in that assumption?
> yes - not available to undergrads

And apparently not available to all grads.
I asked one dept and 2 of 35 grads aren't employed (i.e. are fully funded).
We've asked IST for clarification.


> Who can use the VPN?
> At present (March 2011), the VPN service is available to University of
> Waterloo staff, faculty and graduate students who are employed by the
> University (TA, RA, etc.).

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