[MacTUG] OmniPrint - UW wireless printing tutorial

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Thu May 26 09:30:39 EDT 2011

Hi guys,

I agree about the smb password issue and pointed it out to Steve Carr, hence the warning.

I will pass on your questions to Steve. I doubt they will be able to print from off campus as well.


On 26/05/11 8:01 AM, Matthew Oliver wrote:
> I agree with Don the instructions seem clear enough.
> Couple of concerns though, only a very limited number of our printers show up and not the ones I want students printing to. How would one go about modifying the list of available printers?
> Also many of our students like to print off campus (i.e. in the evening while working from home and they drop by in the morning before class to pick up their print jobs) I'm guessing that using the SMB protocol here would prevent any such off campus printing?
> -Matt
> On 2011-05-25, at 3:17 PM, Marlon A. Griffith wrote:
>> I helped with the mac instructions for this IST service which provides instructions for wireless printing  on campus.
>> http://ist.uwaterloo.ca/cs/omniprint/

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