[MacTUG] FYI: Apple releases Safari 5.0.4

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Mar 9 15:11:23 EST 2011

Apple issues Safari 5.0.4 with improved stability for plug-ins

By AppleInsider Staff<mailto:news at appleinsider.com>

Published: 01:30 PM EST

Safari 5.0.4 was released by Apple on Wednesday, packing a number of bug fixes, compatibility improvements, and improved stability for websites with multiple instances of plug-in content.

Safari 5.0.4 is available on Mac OS X via Software Update or via direct download<http://www.apple.com/safari/download/> from Apple. The 39.3MB download contains improvements to stability, compatibility, accessibility and security. Changes in the update, according to Apple, include:

  *   Improved stability for webpages with multiple instances of plug-in content
  *   Improved compatibility with webpages with image reflections and transition effects
  *   A fix for an issue that could cause some webpages to print with incorrect layouts
  *   A fix for an issue that could cause content to display incorrectly on webpages with plug-ins
  *   A fix for an issue that could cause a Screen Saver to appear while video is playing in Safari
  *   Improved compatibility with VoiceOver on webpages with text input areas and lists with selectable items
  *   Improved stability when using VoiceOver

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