[MacTUG] Request for Corrections: using campus LDAP (WatIAM) in Mail and Address Book

Daniel Allen drallen at cs.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Mar 3 17:06:14 EST 2011

I just wrote up user instructions for integrating Mail and Address  
Book with campus LDAP. (I showed this to a faculty member who  
administers his own macs and he was very surprised to learn about it.  
How to make clients happy in a few easy steps!)

I based the instructions on the Leopard help docs. I don't have a Snow  
Leopard system handy. Can somebody check whether my snow-leopard  
instruction is correct? Or any other corrections/additions?

 > For Snow Leopard (10.6), in both steps 2 below, change  
"Preferences" to "Preferences -> Accounts".


...And if anybody wants to reuse these instructions, they are of  
course welcome to them.

Daniel Allen
drallen at cs.uwaterloo.ca (519) 888-4567 x 35448
CSCF Computing Technology Specialist

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