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Mon Jun 27 13:17:05 EDT 2011

"The Lion Recovery Disk Assistant lets you create Lion Recovery on an exter=
nal drive that has all of the same capabilities as the built-in Lion Recove=
ry: reinstall Lion, repair the disk using Disk Utility, restore from a Time=
 Machine backup, or browse the web with Safari. This drive can be used in t=
he event you cannot start your computer with the built-in Recovery HD, or y=
ou have replaced the hard drive with a new one that does not have Mac OS X =

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DL1433</a> &nbsp;and&nbsp;<a href=3D"">ht=
<div>From apple:</div>
<div><span class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font=
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&quot;The Lion Recovery Disk Assistant lets you create Lion Recovery on an =
external drive that has all of the same capabilities as the built-in Lion R=
ecovery: reinstall Lion, repair the disk using Disk Utility, restore from a=
 Time Machine backup, or browse the web
 with Safari. This drive can be used in the event you cannot start your com=
puter with the built-in Recovery HD, or you have replaced the hard drive wi=
th a new one that does not have Mac OS X installed.&quot;</p>


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