[MacTUG] Apple outlines Lion upgrade path for business and education customers | TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Fri Jun 17 16:34:56 EDT 2011

Education customers will contact their Apple Education Account Representatives or buy through the Education Store. Schools get Lion as part of the Apple Software Collection -- Mac OS, iLife, and iWork -- with prices starting at $39 per license for a minimum order quantity of 25 licenses.

Existing Volume License, Maintenance, and Apple Education Licensing Program customers will receive one redemption code for each contract that can be used to download Lion from the Mac App Store. That single copy of the Install Mac OS X Lion application is used to install Lion on other Mac systems at the school or business.

Once the install app has been downloaded, administrators just copy it to the target systems and run the installer. Administrators can use the System Image Utility in OS X Lion Server to build NetInstall (link to PDF) or NetRestore images to assist in performing mass deployments.


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