[MacTUG] My work iMac maybe be getting ill

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Jul 6 14:54:28 EDT 2011

I was entering a web url and then the screen went black. I managed to get the screen back, but within 2 secs it was black again. Sigh. I remoted in and rebooted, and then ran Applejack. The monitor starts working again. At first, I thought it was flash and then firefox, but maybe, it has a hardware issue?

- 3 year old iMac
- 10.4.11 [no snickering about the version age, especially you, Dani!]

The guys here think it could be my video-card or monitor overheating. My office is pretty well air-conditioned.

Any suggestions?


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