[MacTUG] UW Emerge on the Macs

Mike Patterson mpatterson at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Jan 31 15:46:26 EST 2011

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Well... it's process-based. There's no (easy, multiplatform) way to make
it machine based.  When you start the client, it connects to emerge.uw
tcp/3389 (don't ask) and waits for the 'broadcast', ie, a signal from
emerge.uw. I guess it would be more of a multicast than a broadcast though.


On 2011/01/31 3:43 PM, Ian Turner wrote:
> agree,
> it just bugged me at the time,
> and it was advertised as a "broadcast service", so I had just assumed 
> (and we know about "assume")!!  it was "machine based" not "person based"
> On 2011/01/31 15:30 , Mike Patterson wrote:
> On 2011/01/31 3:18 PM, Ian Turner wrote:
>>>> that's one reason I backed out the change on my machine - it violates
>>>>   privacy, and that wasn't very clear to me in the advertising
> How do you mean it violates privacy? When a user logs in, it's already
> logged at least locally that they've done so, and when. As soon as they
> hit one of a few sites on campus, their username is logged in ONA as the
> last user of that device. There's probably other logs as well, those are
> just the ones that spring immediately to mind.
> I obviously agree that it's a good thing to think about privacy, and
> encourage it, I'm just not sure how Emerge is special in this regard.  :-)
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