[MacTUG] UW Emerge on the Macs

Donald Duff-McCracken dsmccrac at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Jan 31 14:14:39 EST 2011

So some clarification of how uw emerge works on the Mac (especially if it
was to be in a lab)...

If one installs it on a Mac, does one merely have to set it to start up on

The instructions at http://ist.uwaterloo.ca/download/uw_emerge/mac.html
are a wee bit confusing.

Under "Verifying Emerge Works" it talks about going to emerge.uwaterloo.ca
and loging in. Can anyone confirm that this logging in part is just for
the verification, ie, if I was to install this in my labs, I would not
need to go through this step? Is all I need to do to install it on the lab
Macs, and ensure (via either a loginhook or the login items method) that
it is running on login??


On 11-01-31 11:20 AM, "Dani Roloson" <daroloso at mfcf.math.uwaterloo.ca>

>Anyone tried making this a login hook rather than having every user
>to ever use the machine add it to their login items?
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