[MacTUG] Fully qualified computer names at UW

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Jan 25 11:07:00 EST 2011

I just spoke to Hon Tam, x32755. Here is a paraphrased summary:
- a fully qualified machine name is machineName.DomainName

- the DomainName depends on the dns server that you are using:
	- if it is a nexus dns server, then DomainName is nexus.uwaterloo.ca
	- if is it an IST dns server, then DomainName is uwaterloo.ca
	- if you have your own dns server, then it is how you want it ( Ian ;-) )

The confusion then is that there are two bodies using different conventions. With the AD consolidation, this will change.

Speak to Hon, if you require the details.


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