[MacTUG] Meeting On Tuesday Feb. 22

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Feb 17 09:33:30 EST 2011

I am fine with the meeting going till 11. You guys are entertaining. 8-)

On 17/02/11 9:28 AM, Ian Turner wrote:
> both ideas OK with me; it is in my connect calendar anyway!
> But it is not obvious to me where  that room is, in connect
> On 2011/02/17 09:24 , Glenn Anderson wrote:
>> I have no problem with extending it to 11:00, actually I always mark off to 11:00 in my calendar.
>> I have a suggestion regarding the meeting as well. What do people think of actually booking these meeting via connect ( exchange ) calendar, and well ahead of time?
>> On 2011-02-17, at 9:08 AM, Richard Crispin wrote:
>>> Good Morning All
>>> The next MacTug meeting is on Tues. Feb.22 in Dana Porter Room 407 at
>>> 9:15am.
>>> One of the things I would like to discuss is permanently extended the
>>> meeting time to 11:00am. We have had a lot of meetings where we do not
>>> finish at 10:30. Please think about this and we can talk about it on
>>> Tuesday.
>>> Richard
>>> --
>>> Richard Crispin
>>> Information Systems Admin   e-mail:rcrispin at sju.uwaterloo.ca
>>> St. Jerome's University     phone:Days (519)884-8111 ext. 28260
>>> 290 Westmount Rd. N         FAX:(519)725-0015
>>> Waterloo, Ont.  N2L 3G3
>>> Canada
>>> ---
>>> When I die I'd like to die the way my grandfather died, peacefully in
>>>       his sleep...      ... not screaming and shouting, like his passengers.
>>> "Boot, you transistorized tormentor! Boot!" Archibald Asparagus, VeggieTales
>>> "Time, heat and pressure.
>>>      The same things that make a diamond also make a waffle." Scott Meyer
>>> "Every morning is the dawn of a new error." unknown

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