[MacTUG] manually moving ARD data

Donald Duff-McCracken dsmccrac at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Dec 14 09:13:19 EST 2011

Hi Gang
My iMac had a drive failure yesterday -- i love when stuff like that happens when you are rebuilding labs and stuff, haha.

There is good news: I had the prep work for the labs basically done, and I was using time machine.

The bad news that I need help with. I was letting my 'frugal scottish genes' get the better of me and I told time machine not to back up System Files. It looks like this may have caused some incomplete backing up of my Library. Hence I cannot fully restore my account from Time Machine. I can get my docs and stuff. What I cannot get restored correctly is my ARD.

This is a big deal for me as I had written some nice scripts in ARD for doing things like determining who the most recent users were for each computer, how many times the logged on, etc. I would rather not recreate them.

So I want to know where that stuff is stored. Does anyone have an idea? I do have a copy of the ARD files in Application support, and I do have copies of a few ard plist files but it does not seem to be enough to get it rolling. Any suggestions (other than in the future that I 'waste' 20 gigs of space and do complete backups, haha)


Donald Duff-McCracken
Technical Services Manager
Mapping, Analysis & Design
Faculty of Environment
University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567 x32151
To request help from MAD please us "Request Tracker". For info see: http://www.fes.uwaterloo.ca/computing/faculty_staff/
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