[MacTUG] iOS development

Steve Hellyer phasetwo at apple.com
Tue Apr 5 19:58:48 EDT 2011

Hi Dani,

On campus app for who?  Everyone (students and all) and distributed for free from iTunes store?  Or app for just faculty & staff and distributed just to them internally?

If it an individual wanting to make an app for everyone then the $99 will get you there. http://developer.apple.com/programs/ios/

If it's internal Faculty and Staff only then likely the Enterprise program is the one you want (http://developer.apple.com/programs/ios/enterprise/), but you could still write an app and post to iTunes with this. This is what University of Western IT did (http://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/iwestern/id392318748?mt=8). Wrote two apps one everyone sees and can download, and one that only get installed for internal support staff use.

iOS Developer University Program  http://developer.apple.com/programs/ios/university/
"...is a free program designed for higher education institutions looking to introduce iOS development into their curriculum."
UWaterloo is already signed up.  Edward Chrzanowski in CSCF teaches the course.


On 2011-04-05, at 4:16 PM, Dani Roloson wrote:

> A fellow from the Library was interested in
> developing an on-campus app.
> Is this US only?
>> The free iOS Developer University Program is available to 
>> qualified, degree granting, higher education institutions.
>> Apple reserves the right to determine eligibility.
> Do we have to join as an Enterprise?
> Dani
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Steve Hellyer
Pre-Sales Systems Engineer
Education Division (Higher Education)
Apple Canada Inc.
7495 Birchmount Rd.
Markham, Ontario, Canada
L3R 5G2

PH: (905)513-5647
Mailto: phasetwo at apple.com

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