[MacTUG] login hook "stuff" as mentioned at the meeting

Ian Turner iturner at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Sep 28 12:25:45 EDT 2010

we started with the NHR package, several years ago (and several versions 
ago), and received permission from the original author to adapt it for 
our use


In particular, we didn't "upgrade", to the new Leopard Package, but 
retrofitted some of the Unix level changes to our original scripts.

Then of course, with Leopard, we actually "removed" the "Home 
Redirector" part of the code, because we are using the "built in to Open 
Directory/WorkGroup Manager" functionality.

***** NOTE: there was some "old code" that I was remembering for su'ing 
as the local user, but has not been in use for a long time; now it just 
runs as root.
- a sample fragment:
#This section will delete the Fonts, Microsoft User Data, AppleWorks 
User Data, and Microsoft Preferences folders from the current user's 
network home location

su $1 -cf /bin/sh <<EOF
rm -rf $home_loc/Library/Caches
rm -rf $home_loc/Library/Fonts
rm -rf $home_loc/Documents/Microsoft\ User\ Data
rm -rf $home_loc/Documents/AppleWorks\ User\ Data
rm -rf $home_loc/Library/Preferences/Microsoft

Sample code:
*****************************  this is an excerpt from the beginning, of 
current code****************************************************


PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin export PATH
logger "LoginHook: Starting for $1"

# Aug 25, 2008 - LocalAdminUser no longer required, and nicl not 
supported in Leopard
#Local=`nicl . -read /users/$1 name |awk '{print $2}'`
Local=`dscl . -list /Users | grep $1`

if [[ "$1" == "$Local" ]]; then
   exit 0

eval home_loc=~$1

#This section will create a skeleton DrJava config file if one does not 
#  (assumed to be for new users, or to fix a broken one)

cd ${home_loc}

if [[ -f ${home_loc}/.drjava ]]; then
   echo ".drjava exists"
   echo 'working.directory = '`echo ${home_loc}`  > ${home_loc}/.drjava

#This section will create ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist if it does not 
exist, and configure XAUTHORITY

cd ${home_loc}

#if [[ -f ${home_loc}/.MacOSX/environment.plist ]]; then
#  echo "environment.plist exists"
   if [[ -d ${home_loc}/.MacOSX ]]; then
     echo ".MacOSX exists"
     mkdir .MacOSX
#changed logic because Ed also needs this file to configure CS200 for 
Web and Database
#   so append these lines unconditionally

#Oct 15, 2007 change lib to lib32 in SQL10 Library Path
#Aug 25, 2008 remove SQL version 9
#Sep 19, 2008 clear XAUTH Leopard different than Tiger; and remove old 
unnecessary lock files

  cd ${home_loc}
  rm .Xauthority-*
   defaults write ${home_loc}/.Macosx/environment "XAUTHORITY" 
#  defaults delete ${home_loc}/.Macosx/environment "XAUTHORITY"

   defaults write ${home_loc}/.Macosx/environment "SQLANY10" 

   defaults write ${home_loc}/.Macosx/environment "SQLANYSH10" 
   defaults write ${home_loc}/.Macosx/environment "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" 
   defaults write ${home_loc}/.Macosx/environment "PATH" 

   plutil -convert xml1 ${home_loc}/.Macosx/environment.plist


logger - "LoginHook:  Finished for $1"

#Remember to run a logout hook that will delete the contents of /tmp
#  (sudo defaults write com.apple.loginwindow LogoutHook /path/to/script)

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