[MacTUG] Marlon's summary of the meeting with Steve

Steve Hellyer phasetwo at apple.com
Tue Nov 30 17:40:47 EST 2010

Nice notes Marlon.  I am amazed you captured that much we talked very quickly!

Couple of additions... Dani's reported issue with ASUS HDCP display connected to particular iMac via DVi.  We are work to resolve that along with ASUS.
Dani provided me some nice reports from System Profiler Utility and I have submitted to Engineering.
What I know so far... Complex over the wire negotiation issue and video card OEM is also involved but we (Apple) take responsibility to resolve if possible.
These issue can be very specific to display, Mac HW (video card) so issue in not a global problem effect all.

Open Source InstaDMG - project software still works it has just not been updated in quite a while. Main developer was hired by Apple as we wanted his expertise.
I think he was happy about that. :-)  I still use InstaDMG but it's not moved along like it was.

XSAN - (current version 2.x) is actually better described more as multiple computers sharing hard drives using software (Uses Stornext filing system from Quantum). Eg. imagine you wanted to share a fast 16 drive RAID using high speed Fiber channel.  Also you want to read and write from the same drive volume. Useful for highdef video workflows where edit edit across Fibre channel and when does tell the sound editor and then he/she edit audio, then when done a colour expert tunes the colour on the video etc...  How Film and commercial are made. Much fast than sharing over Ethernet.  Albeit 10 Gbit Ethernet is giving it a run for it money. :-)
MultiPlaform if you buy proper Stornext software from Quantum for your OS.

USB 3.0 - is desirable but we are waiting for Intel to provide us reliable (Apple grade) chipset. I am sure come at some point. When?
It a bit over hyped right now.  If you look at these test ESATA still faster than USB 3 promised.  This might be early chipset issues?

Speaking of reliable have you seen this?!!!!!

Rosetta - I would rephrase - dropping of Rosetta will certainly happen at some point. Don't know when.
Personally I would be aggressively replacing software that was only available in PowerPC binary form.  If you're stuck email me I will try and help fine more recent replacement.

Thanks for the invite guys. It was very enjoyable and was good seeing you! Hope to do it again soon.


On 2010-11-30, at 4:44 PM, Marlon A. Griffith wrote:

> Since we discussed soo much good stuff. Please review my meeting summary, https://www.eng.uwaterloo.ca/twiki/bin/view/MAG/MacTug20101130, and send me any corrections, editions, etc.
> Marlon
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Steve Hellyer
Pre-Sales Systems Engineer
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