[MacTUG] A bizarre error

Ian Turner iturner at uwaterloo.ca
Mon May 3 09:25:17 EDT 2010

you were talking last week about upgrading a server to 10.6

there is a new set of Server Tools for 10.6, and I believe they are not 
compatible, and vv with OD version 10.5

Is that the possible issue???

On 2010/05/03 09:02 , Richard Crispin wrote:
> Good Morning All
> My work group manager is acting weird. I had problems at the end of last
> week and redid the whole thing on the weekend. It worked fine on
> Saturday and most of Sunday. It stopped working properly later on
> Sunday. I get this message:
> Error of type eDSRefTableEntryNilError (-14084) on line 3793 of
> /SourceCache/WorkgroupManager/WorkgroupManager-361.1.1/PMMUGSearchController.mm
> I searched for this path but had no luck. I appreciate any pointers
> anyone might have.
> Richard

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