[MacTUG] Slow deploystudio netboot

Steve Hellyer phasetwo at apple.com
Tue Mar 23 18:50:52 EDT 2010

Hi Don,

You'll want to post issues like this to Deploystudio forum.  It's Open Source and they look for feed back like this to make changes.

Tip: Try making netboot on that new iMac with fresh install of 10.6.2 that came with it (add any current updates). Don't use your full deployment image with all your software installed to make the initial netboot image.  Turn off airport to speed booting. I wouldn't use custom TCP settings.

Could also be an issue with RC17 of DeployStudio some talk here about similar experience.

You can also try one of the nightly builds. Latest being March 4th

Also Don, if your not in urgent need for deployment, I wanted to mention we are on the heals of a 10.6.3 update do very soon. (This has noting to do with your problem just that you might want consider based on timing.) The 10.6.2 build you have is not support on older hardware. (Recall that from our TechTalk seminar) and 10.6.3 will bring these older machines into supported realm.

Also on related note Apple has dropping price to get early release of Beta software (like 10.6.3). It's now just $99 a year. Now you wouldn't want to run on Beta version but this does provide you early versions for testing. You also get emailed when new Beta versions are release for download.
Other features as well which are often handy. http://developer.apple.com/programs/mac/


On 2010-03-23, at 2:11 PM, Donald Duff-McCracken wrote:

> Hi there 1:49
> In preparation for a lab refresh, I recently have picked up some new imacs and getting some big grief with deploystudio. I can build a netboot set from a new mac, and this netboot set works fine with my older macs (I have tried a 1 year old aluminum mac and a white imac). However when I use this netboot set to boot the mac I built it from — the one mac you would think would for sure like this netboot set) it hangs before I can do anything! Arrgh!!!
> Eventually after about 12 minutes the Deploystudio runtime window appears but the process then stops. The boot process is slow right from the beginning. Frequently the icon that spins as the machine is booting will halt for long periods (a minute or so). This 12 minutes until the window appears is about 8 times longer than it should be (for example the white imac can get to the same point in only 90 seconds). I cannot use the mouse or keyboard. Repeatedly tried this and left the machine alone for a while to see if something is just running slow, but no such luck. I doubt I am having a network problem, as a) I have copied large files onto this mac fine from the network, b) I am using the same cable for both test clients, and c) I have done other netboot type actions with this imac (such as netbooting from a netinstall I made on the same mac server I have deploystudio on) and it has behaved properly in this regard.
> The screen shot (a photo I took) shows that the information looks very ‘normal’ except for the lengths of time it is taking. The processes listed are taking about 2 minutes whereas on other machines it is taking about 10 seconds!
> <image.png>
> Any suggestions where to start? It is most frustrating and confusing that the same netboot image will work on macs that it was not created from. I do have some other new imacs in storage that I intend to pull out to see it it is just this machine, but I am doubtful that this is the case.
> Thanks...
> don
> ------------------------------------
> Donald Duff-McCracken 
> Technical Services Manager
> Mapping, Analysis & Design
> Faculty of Environmental Studies
> University of Waterloo
> (519) 888-4567 x32151
> http://www.fes.uwaterloo.ca/computing/people/don.html
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Steve Hellyer
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Mailto: phasetwo at apple.com

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