[MacTUG] Leopard AD automount error msg meaning

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Mar 2 15:08:45 EST 2010

This question is primarily directed to Steve.

Very simply, what does this mean inorder to fix the problem outlined below?
loginwindow[344]: lwMountWithArrayOfPaths: failed to mount prefPath=smb://ecfile1.uwaterloo.ca/m3griffi, error=80

- ppc macmini
- 10.5.8
- all updates on
- Win 2003 Active Directory server
- user's share is on freebsd smb server runningsmb 3.4.5

- connecting to AD using AD plug-in
- with all settings default
- using local home folder
- wanting user's AD network share to automatically mount
- login goes fine but no network share mounted
- can manually connect to share, using Connect to server, when username is specified as "adDomainName\userName"


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