[MacTUG] Safari 5.0 not starting up on 10.5.8

Matthew Oliver m3oliver at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Jun 21 10:52:26 EDT 2010

defaults write com.apple.Safari WebIconDatabaseEnabled -bool NO
fixed the issue for me for anyone having the same problem...


On 2010-06-21, at 10:33 AM, Matthew Oliver wrote:

> Wow it's Monday...
> And that would be why I didn't change the subject on the previous email...
> On 2010-06-21, at 10:31 AM, Matthew Oliver wrote:
>> Anyone have trouble with (10.5.8) machines after upgrading to Safari 5.0?
>> All my 10.6 machines are fine but users on 10.5.8 can no longer start Safari after the upgrade.
>> Safari will start on the local account but not with a network user after the upgrade.
>> I haven't looked into it extensively yet just wondering if anyone has come across it and has a quick fix.
>> Cheers,
>> -Matt
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